Office of Rail Safety Research
- Federal Railroad Administration
The third R&D office, which was created under the reorganization, is the Office of Rail Safety Research. Its mission is to plan, sponsor, and implement research and development programs designed to improve rail safety. Broadly speaking, the goals of the office are to reduce the number and severity of railroad accidents through the application of research results. To achieve these goals the office is divided into three divisions, each of which conducts research in one of three main areas: (1) Improved Track Structures Research, (2) Rail Vehicle Safety Research, and (3) Improved Inspection, Detection and Testing Research. Research efforts are both planned and coordinated with potential users of the research results, e.g., FRA’s Office of Safety, Office of Northeast Corridor Development, AMTRAK, and the railroad industry. The intent of this booklet is to acquaint the reader with goals and methods employed by the Office of Rail Safety Research to fulfill its mission. The booklet introduces the three divisions within the office and looks at selected projects which are representative of the type of research activities conducted by the Office of Rail Safety Research.