Railroad Infrastructure Trespass Detection Performance Guidelines
- Marco P. daSilva
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, under the direction of the Federal Railroad Administration, conducted a 3-year demonstration of an automated prototype railroad infrastructure security system on a railroad bridge in the town of Pittsford, NY [1]. The main objective was to demonstrate a stand-alone, video-based trespass monitoring and deterrent system for railroad infrastructure applications using commercial off-the-shelf technology. The final report, entitled “Railroad Infrastructure Trespassing Detection Systems Research in Pittsford, New York,” details the project location, system technology and operation, system costs, results, potential benefits, and lessons learned. The results indicate this interactive system could serve as a model or prototype railroad infrastructure security system for other railroad rights-of-way or bridges deemed prone to intrusion. Additionally, the authors’ recommendation to develop performance guidelines for this type of system is contained in this document.