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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Railroad Spike Failure Mitigation: Investigation of Tie Plate Hold-Down Elements

Document Series:
Research Results
  • Marcus Dersch, Rahat Mahmud Khan
Report Number
RR 24-11
Broken spikes; spring washers; spring specifications; hold-down load; resiliency; elastic fasteners; stress relaxation

The Rail Transportation and Engineering Center (RailTEC) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) investigated methods to mitigate timber tie spike failures. This research is part of an ongoing investigation sponsored by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) that began in 2018. Through modeling, laboratory study, and field work, RailTEC’s team found that maintaining friction between tie plates and ties significantly reduces the spike load (Khachaturian et al., 2022). Installing screw spikes with spring washers can ensure friction is maintained in the fastener; however, the resiliency of the spring washer is critical to achieving long-term performance (Stuart and Dersch, 2022). This report discusses design recommendations for screw spike spring washers and quantifies the resiliency of alternative spring types. The data show that installation of commercially available springs can overstress the tie leading to premature failure. Alternative springs are available that provide greater resiliency without overstressing the wood tie.

Last updated: Thursday, September 19, 2024