Revenue Track Gage Widening Tests Using the Track Loading Vehicle
- Satya P. Singh
ABSTRACT Gage widening tests were conducted using the TLV on portions of tracks of nine Class I railroads in North America. The measured unloaded gage and loaded gage, along with the computed delta gage (the difference between - loaded and unloaded gages) and track compliance (delta gage per unit gage widening load) were used to determine the gage widening resistance. The data was sorted on a mile-by-mile basis, with respect to geometries from tangent to 10 degree curves, FRA track classes 2-6, concrete and wood tie track, and track with cut spikes and elastic fasteners. Each railroad was also analyzed without segmenting the aggregate data on a mile basis or a track type basis. Lastly, data from all railroads were combined for an overall assessment of gage widening resistance for the North American railroads tested. More than 90% of the exceptions occurred due to the exceedence of the TLV loaded gage paint limit of 57.75". Wide gage (static gage in excess of 56.5") was concluded to be the onset of these exceptions. The total painted track length due to all the exceptions was about four-tenth of one percent of the total analyzed miles. Overall, the North American railroad track tested was in a very good condition.