Update on the Methodology for Amtrak Performance Tracking (APT) - Volume 2: Annual Update for Appendix A and B, Fiscal Year 2023
- Federal Railroad Administration; David Hyde; Greg Bucci; Matthew Keen; and Claire Roycroft
This document contains data for the full Fiscal Year 2023 and updates Appendices A and B from Update on the Methodology for Amtrak Performance Tracking (APT) (DOT-VNTSC-FRA-23-02) published in January 2023. All data within were captured in October 2023 and consist of unaudited figures from APT allocated data available at that time and do not reflect any subsequent adjustments or corrections. The figures are intended only to provide a general snapshot of the relative size of Amtrak’s business and may not directly align with other published Amtrak reports, based on differences in reporting methodologies. The data described in the summary paragraphs below and within the appendices should be viewed holistically and do not necessarily account for changes within the Cost Center (CC), Family, or Subfamily structures over time.