Very Long Trains – Phase III - Stationary Train Tests
- Federal Railroad Administration
In Phase III of this research, FRA sponsored Sharma & Associates, Inc. (SA), with significant assistance from Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway, to conduct a series of tests to evaluate air brake system performance on a stationary train consisting of 200 cars in BNSF’s railroad yard at Staples, MN. This phase of research was conducted between July 18 and July 28, 2022. In this phase, the research team developed a test plan describing the scope and test procedure in consultation with the TRC. The test train consisted of 192 hopper grain cars and up to 3 locomotives provided by BNSF, as well as 8 instrumented box cars owned by FRA. BNSF also provided other support for the test, including engineers to provide locomotive input, reconfigurations of the cars/locomotives as needed, and space in their yard for the tests.