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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Penn Station Access Project

The Penn Station Access (PSA) Project is proposed by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). The PSA Project encompasses a variety of infrastructure improvements and will create additional passenger service along the Amtrak-owned Hell Gate Line (HGL) on the Northeast Corridor (NEC). Key elements include:

  • Construction of four new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant Metro-North passenger stations in the eastern Bronx at Hunts Point, Parkchester-Van Nest, Morris Park, and Co-op City.
  • Realignment of existing and construction of new and/or replacement of existing tracks and catenary.
  • Realignment or removal of existing freight tracks and construction of new freight tracks.
  • Construction of new associated interlockings, power supply, and distribution.
  • Replacement of ballast and installation of underdrains as needed along the HGL Corridor.
  • Upgrading of the signal system.
  • Rehabilitation or replacement of railroad bridges at Bronxdale Avenue, Eastchester Road, and Pelham Lane.
  • Rehabilitation of the existing railroad bridge at Bronx River.
  • Construction of a new single-track railroad bridge immediately north of the Bronx River Bridge.
  • Expansion of Metro-North’s New Rochelle Yard in Westchester County.

Environmental Assessment

MTA, in coordination with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the PSA Project to evaluate potential impacts to the human and natural environment, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. FRA was a Cooperating Agency in the development of the EA. FTA issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the PSA Project EA on September 24, 2021. 

Because of FRA’s current and potential future role administering grant funding for elements of the PSA Project, FRA adopted FTA’s EA, and adopted and incorporated by reference FTA’s FONSI. Relevant FTA environmental review documents and more information about the PSA Project are available on MTA’s project webpage.

FRA approved its own FONSI for the PSA Project on November 16, 2021.


FRA Contact:
Laura A. Shick
Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist
Federal Railroad Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC  20590
(202) 366-0340