eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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Technical Reports
Operational Performance and Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Analysis Model (OPRAM) Development
Keywords: Overlay Positive Train Control, Higher Reliability and Capacity Train Control, Enhanced Overlay PTC, Quasi-Moving Block, Full Moving Block, Reliability Availability and Maintainability, Operational Performance
Abstract: Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (MxV Rail) conducted a project for the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to complete the development of Operational Performance and...
Research Results
Short Line Safety Institute: Testing the Fidelity of Its Robust Model
Keywords: freight railroads, regional railroads, short line railroads, safety culture assessment, safety culture measurement, state of rail industry
Abstract: The Short Line Safety Institute (SLSI) is dedicated to the continuous improvement of safety and safety culture across all short line and regional railroads in the United States...
Technical Reports
High-Strength, Reduced-Modulus, High-Performance Concrete for Prestressed Concrete Crosstie Applications
Keywords: Concrete, crosstie, weathered aggregate, granite, modulus
Abstract: High-performance concrete (HPC) with early strength development is the material of choice for fabricating prestressed concrete railroad ties. However, the higher strength of...
Technical Reports
Characterization of Track Geometry for Various Operational Conditions
Keywords: Track geometry, track quality, track irregularities, space curve, Automated Track Inspection Program, ATIP, Power Spectral Density, PSD, clustering
Abstract: This report characterizes the amplitude and wavelength content of the current track geometry environment of the United States railroad system and examines the combination of...
Technical Reports
Torsional Strength and Stiffness of a Passenger Car Coupling System
Keywords: Full Scale Testing, H couplers, Coupler Torsion, Torsional Transmission
Abstract: Between September 2019 and June 2022, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) sponsored a research team from Sharma & Associates to model and test the torsional strength...