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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Expansion of Rail Flaw Library at the Transportation Technology Center

Document Series:
Research Results
  • Federal Railroad Administration
Report Number
RR 22-36
Rail, rail wear, rail defect, rail flaw library, ultrasonic testing, UT, phased array ultrasonic testing, PAUT, Miniprof, Rail Flaw Library of Associated Defects, RF-LOAD, non-destructive evaluation, NDE, track

Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) began adding naturally occurring rail flaws to the Rail Flaw Library of Associated Defects (RF-LOAD) by acquiring defective rails from the field with funding by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). Rail samples containing service induced flaws have varying rail profiles, such as different rail head profile wear, and different surface conditions. Since only so many of these natural/field defects can be collected every year, the goal is to continue this work and collect more rail flaw samples for the RF-LOAD every year.

Last updated: Monday, February 12, 2024