Rail Crossing Locator App

The Rail Crossing Locator allows emergency responders and the public to access information in FRA’s highway-rail grade crossing database and a variety of map features from a mobile device. The app allows users to locate crossings by U.S. DOT Crossing ID number, address, or geo-location.
- Search for, identify, and filter crossings by special characteristics
- Find and call the Emergency Notification Systems (ENS) number in case of an emergency or to report a safety concern
- Send non-emergency information pertaining to the grade crossing to FRA via email
- Access U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory records and collision report histories for crossings
The information accessed in the app is derived from the FRA Safety Data website that contains information submitted by states and railroads.
If you have questions about the Rail Crossing Locator, email us at rrswebinquiries@dot.gov.
Download the app from the Apple APP Store
Download the app from the Google Play Store