Railroads voluntarily participate in C3RS and sign an Implementing Memorandum of Understanding with the participating railroads, labor organizations, and FRA.
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
FRA sponsors and funds C3RS. FRA also leads the implementation process and assists in case analysis by the railroad-based Peer Review Teams.
Labor Organizations
Labor organizations are equal members of the program at participating railroads where the employees are represented.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
NASA is a federal agency that serves as an independent third party that collects, analyzes, and maintains the confidential data collected for C3RS. NASA also identifies safety trends and emerging risks and writes and distributes publications to share this information with site participants and the railroad industry. If you have any questions about a report you submitted, contact NASA here. If you would like to read or subscribe to the NASA C3RS newsletter, Inside the Rail, visit here.
Peer Review Team (PRT)
A PRT is a carrier-based team that consists of railroad management, front line employees, and FRA. It promotes C3RS at the site, identifies why close calls occur, recommends corrective actions, and evaluates the effectiveness of any implemented actions.