Conventional Equipment Projects
Current Projects:
A series of full-scale quasi-static and dynamic tests are planned on conventional equipment of various designs to establish the baseline level of performance to loading conditions established based on a review of historical accident consequences or active field investigations. Such testing is conducted to use as the basis for comparison of alternative designs to be developed to demonstrate the effectiveness of using the new design strategies. This information serves as input into development of costs and benefits for establishing a rationale basis for improving existing standards or developing standards.
End Frame Quasi-static Full-scale Tests
Development of alternative means of implementing a large deformation quasi-static test on end frame designs.
Two Car Multi-level Impact Test
Establishment of the baseline level of performance for multi-level passenger railcar.
Quasi-Static Squeeze Test
Research effort to establish alternative loading test protocols for new passenger rail equipment not designed for use with conventional draft gear arrangements. The purpose of the squeeze tests is to assess the contributions to bending and compression on the carbody structure under the prescribed loading conditions specified in federal requirement for these non-conventional railcars.
Completed Projects:
- Evaluation of Cab Car Crashworthiness Design Modifications
- Crashworthiness of Passenger Trains
- Simulation of an Oblique Collision of a Locomotive and an Intermodal Container
- A Numerical Evaluation of Protection Strategies for Railroad Cab Car Crashworthiness
- Static and Dynamic Crush testing an Analysis of a Rail Corner Structural Element
- Rail Passenger Equipment Crashworthiness Testing Requirements and Implementation
- Rail Passenger Equipment Collision Tests: Analysis of Structural Measurements
- Rail Passenger Equipment Accidents and the Evaluation of Crashworthiness Strategies
- Train-to-Train Impact Test: Analysis of Structural Measurements
- U.S. Rail Equipment Crashworthiness Standards
- Vehicle Postmortem and Data Analysis of a Passenger Rail Car Collision Test
- Development of a Computer Model for Prediction of Collision Response of a Railroad Passenger Car
- An Overview of Passenger Equipment Full-Scale Impact Tests
- Evaluation of Rail Passenger Equipment Crashworthiness Strategies
- Collision Safety Comparison of Conventional and Crash Energy Management Passenger Rail Car Designs
- Analysis of Collision Safety Associated with Conventional and Crash Energy Management Cars Mixed Within a Consist
- Documentation of Deformation from Passenger Rail Two-Car Impact Test
- Rail-Car Impact Tests with Steel Coil: Collision Dynamics
- Analysis of Colliding Vehicle Interactions for the Passenger Rail Train-to-Train Impact Test
- Full-Scale Two-Car Impact Test: Comparison of Measured and Model Results
- Crashworthiness Analysis of the Placentia, CA Rail Collision
- Review of Sever Deformation Recommended Practice Through Analyses - Comparison of Two Cab Car End Frame Designs
- A Collision Dynamics Model of a Multi-Level Train
- Development of Conventional Passenger Cab Car End Structure Designs for Full Scale Testing
- Crush Analysis of Multi-Level Equipment
- Effectiveness of Alternative Rail Passenger Equipment Crashworthiness Strategies
- Passenger Cab Car Grade Crossing Impact Test Report
- Detailed Modeling of the Train-to-Train Impact Test: Rail Passenger Equipment Impact Tests
- Repair of Budd Pioneer Coach Car Crush Zones