eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Evaluating Processes, Outcomes, and Sustainability for FRA’s Confidential Close Call Reporting System (C3RS)
Keywords: Close Calls, Confidential Close Calls Reporting System, C3RS, corrective actions, continuous process improvement, human factors, safety culture, voluntary reporting, evaluation
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) tasked the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe) to conduct an evaluation of the Confidential Close Call Reporting...
Technical Reports
Operation Lifesaver, Inc. Process Evaluation
Keywords: Evaluation, Operation Lifesaver, Inc., process evaluation, program evaluation, grant management, education, highway-railroad grade crossings, trespassing, railroad right-of-way
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration contracted Volpe National Transportation Systems Center to conduct a process evaluation of Operation Lifesaver, Inc.’s educational...
Research Results
Keywords: Expertise management, knowledge capture, knowledge transfer, knowledge management, training, education, cognitive task analysis, expertise, leadership skills, decision games, impact skills
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Office of Research, Development, and Technology’s Human Factors Division sponsored TrueSafety Evaluation and Perigean Technologies to...
Research Results
Implementing SLSI-provided Opportunities Continues to Support Safety Culture Growth
Keywords: Safety culture, safety culture model, safety culture assessment, safety culture measurement, evaluation, short line railroads, regional railroads
Abstract: The Short Line Safety Institute (SLSI) measures short line and regional railroads’ safety culture using a multi-method assessment process that examines safety culture...
Research Results
Short Line Safety Institute: Testing the Fidelity of Its Robust Model
Keywords: freight railroads, regional railroads, short line railroads, safety culture assessment, safety culture measurement, state of rail industry
Abstract: The Short Line Safety Institute (SLSI) is dedicated to the continuous improvement of safety and safety culture across all short line and regional railroads in the United States...