Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD)
On March 12, 2024, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) signed a combined Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)/Record of Decision (ROD), consistent with 23 United States Code (USC) 139 (n) (2), which directs that “to the maximum extent practicable, the lead agency shall expeditiously develop a single document that consists of a final environmental impact statement and a record of decision, unless (A) the final environmental impact statement makes substantial changes to the proposed action that are relevant to environmental or safety concerns; or (B) there is a significant new circumstance or information relevant to environmental concerns that bears on the proposed action or the impacts of the proposed action.”
The FEIS addresses the comments received on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and the Supplemental DEIS (SDEIS) and presents the impacts of the No-Action Alternative and the Preferred Alternative (Alternative F). The FEIS addresses the substantive comments received on the DEIS and SDEIS. Because FRA and the Project Proponents (Union Station Redevelopment Corporation and Amtrak) developed Alternative F to address substantive agency and public comments on the Action Alternatives presented in the DEIS, the FEIS considers two alternatives only: the No-Action Alternative and the Preferred Alternative (Alternative F). Changes made in response to comments also include factual corrections, impact analysis refinements, and mitigation measures refinements.
The ROD documents and explains FRA’s decision to move forward with the implementation of Alternative F (Selected Alternative).
The Federal Transit Administration, a Cooperating Agency, adopted the FEIS pursuant to 23 USC 139(c)(5) and signed onto FRA’s FEIS/ROD in accordance with 23 USC 139(n)(2).
An electronic copy of the FEIS/ROD is available via the links below.
- Cover and Signature Pages
- Executive Summary
- Table of Contents and Acronyms
- Chapters 1-12
- Chapter 13 (Record of Decision)
- Appendix F1 - Multimodal Refinement Report
- Appendix F2 - Description of the Preferred Alternative
- Appendix F3a - Comments on the DEIS – Part 1
- Appendix F3a - Comments on the DEIS – Part 2
- Appendix F3a - Comments on the DEIS – Part 3
- Appendix F3a - Comments on the DEIS – Part 4
- Appendix F3b - Comments on the SDEIS
- Appendix F3c - Responses to Comments on the DEIS and SDEIS
- Appendix F4 - Programmatic Agreement
- Appendix F5 - Aesthetics and Visual Quality: Visual Assessment
- Appendix F6 - United States Fish and Wildlife Service Letter of Consistency