Additional Resources
Various training opportunities and resources are provided for applicants and recipients. These resources help to ensure that eligible applicants understand how to apply for grants and recipients understand how to properly manage grant funds with support and guidance from FRA staff. Available resources are highlighted below.
FRA Crossing Inventory Data Search
Visit the FRA Crossing Inventory Data page to access reports that query and download FRA Safety Data on the Crossing Inventory, including location of crossings, safety warning devices, and quiet zone crossings. Additionally, data on Railroad Operations, including train miles, passengers transported, and employee hours worked, is available here.
FRA Safety GIS Map
The FRA Safety Map is an interactive map that outlines rail networks for Class I railroad, passenger rail, commuter rail, and Amtrak. Users can manipulate data to view maps by topography or street view and add additional data layers like freight stations, grade crossings, and mileposts.
USDOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics Rural Funding Eligibility Tool
The definition of “rural” and “non-rural” varies across USDOT. Use the Rural Eligibility tool to explore areas eligible for rural funding.
NEPA Application Materials
FRA has prepared a worksheet to assist Project Sponsors in assessing project eligibility for a Categorical Exclusion (CE) to fulfill National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. Actions that are typically eligible for a CE are listed in Section 4 of FRA’s 1999 Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts, which was updated in 2013. FRA’s Environmental Impacts and Related Procedures guidance was published in the Federal Register on October 29, 2018. Additional information can be found on the NEPA documentation page.
- Categorical Exclusion Worksheet
- 2019 CE Worksheet Companion Guide
- FRA CEs listed in 23 Part 771.116
- 2018 Cross Agency CEs for use in 771
- Additional Information on Categorical Exclusions
FRA Buy America Website
The Buy America section on FRA’s website provides information to grantees about the Buy America provision of 49 USC § 24405(a) and its waiver requests. Grantees may also access a webinar presentation and FAQs on Buy America that outline procedures on how to apply this provision.