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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Magnetic Levitation Deployment Grants Program

Overview: The Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) Deployment Grants Program has funded preconstruction planning activities and capital costs of viable, existing Maglev projects, including projects that involve technologies that employ Maglev in conjunction with other complementary technologies. 

Legislative Authority: Appropriations in each specific funding round have been provided under varying laws, as detailed below.

Eligible Criteria:

While there have been some additional eligibility criteria associated with some of the funding provided for this program (as detailed below), the following requirements have applied consistently to all such funding to date. 

Eligible Projects:

Eligible Maglev projects must:

(1) involve a segment or segments of a high-speed ground transportation corridor;
(2) result in an operating transportation facility that provides a revenue producing service; and
(3) be approved by the Secretary based on an application submitted to the Secretary of Transportation by a state or authority designated by one or more states.

Eligible Project Costs:

(1) capital costs of the fixed guideway infrastructure of a Maglev project including land, piers, guideways, propulsion equipment and other components attached to guideways, power distribution facilities (including substations), control and communications facilities, access roads, and storage, repair, and maintenance facilities, but not including costs incurred for new stations and rolling stock, as well as costs incurred solely for land or right‑of-way acquisition (even if such acquisition is to secure operational right-of-way); and
(2) preconstruction planning activities.

Eligible Applicants: 

  • a state (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico)
  • an authority designated by one or more states.


Previous Maglev funding rounds:

FY 2020 

Funding made available under the FY 2020 solicitation included $2,000,000 provided by the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, Div. H, Tit. I, Public Law 116-94 (2020 Appropriation).

Funding Made Available for Award:  $2,000,000

  • $2,000,000 awarded to the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) for the Baltimore-Washington SCMAGLEV Project

Additional Eligibility Requirements: Under the FY 2020 solicitation, eligible applicants also included “a group of states.”

Resources: FY 2020 Notice of Funding Opportunity

FY 2019 

Funding made available under the FY 2019 solicitation included $10,000,000 (2019 funds) as appropriated by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019, Div. G, Tit. I, Public Law 116-6 (2019) (2019 Appropriation) and an additional $14,027,500 (2008 funds) as authorized by sections 1101(a)(18) and 1307 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users SAFETEA–LU, Public Law 109-59 (2005) (SAFETEA-LU), as amended by the SAFETEA-LU Technical Corrections Act of 2008, Public Law 110-244, Sec. 102 (2008) (23 U.S.C. 322 note) (Technical Corrections Act).

Funding Made Available for Award: $24,027,500

  • $24,027,500 awarded to MDOT for the Baltimore-Washington SCMAGLEV Project

Under the FY 2019 solicitation, only three specific Maglev projects (Pittsburgh, Baltimore-Washington, and Atlanta-Chattanooga) were eligible for the full $24,027,500 available between the SAFETEA-LU funds ($14,027,500) and the 2019 funds ($10,000,000). Applicants with otherwise eligible Maglev projects were eligible to apply only for the $10,000,000 in 2019 funds.

Resources: FY 2019 Notice of Funding Opportunity 


FY 2015 

Funding made available under the FY 2015 solicitation included $27,800,000 authorized under Sections 1101(a)(18) and 1307 of SAFETEA–LU, Public Law 109–59 (2005), as amended by section 102 of the SAFETEA–LU Technical Corrections Act of 2008, Public Law 110–244 (2008).

Funding Made Available for Award:  $27,800,000

  • $27,800,000 awarded to MDOT for the Baltimore-Washington SCMAGLEV Project

Resources: FY 2015 Notice of Funding Availability