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Railroad Information Sharing Environment (RISE)

Railroad Information Safety Environment (RISE) LogoThe Railroad Information Sharing Environment (RISE) is a voluntary, non-regulatory, non-punitive, data-driven safety partnership consisting of railroad stakeholders, including FRA, to advance railroad safety. Through a data trust, railroad stakeholders voluntarily share data and work collaboratively to address complex railroad safety challenges. The goal of this public-private partnership is to use data for safety improvements that would be difficult for individual railroads to achieve on their own.

The goal of this public-private partnership is to use data for safety improvements that would be difficult for individual railroads to achieve on their own.

Screen shot of the analysis dashboard in the RISE pilot project

RISE uses the following process to accomplish this:

  • RISE stakeholders collaborate to identify safety concerns that RISE can help solve
  • Stakeholders share data with a trusted third party—a data steward—that anonymizes, protects, aggregates, and analyzes the data
  • The data steward shares analysis findings with RISE stakeholders
  • Together, stakeholders determine how to use the findings to improve safety

Participation in RISE provides stakeholders the ability to collaboratively address safety-critical topics. It also affords an opportunity for railroad stakeholders to bring multiple sources of data and expertise to solve complex railroad issues. By combining data across multiple sources, stakeholders can identify trends that are difficult to detect in the data from any single stakeholder. This data aggregation makes it possible to identify emerging issues and propose solutions to those problems earlier.

RISE governance structure diagramRISE is governed by its stakeholders, putting them in charge of how RISE advances safety. Stakeholders comprise an Executive Board that is responsible for high-level decision-making about RISE policies related to which issues to explore and how that information is used to benefit the industry. Stakeholders also participate on an Issue Analysis Team and individual Working Groups to identify and address specific safety concerns. A third party serves as a data steward to manage and analyze data in coordination with Working Groups and the Issue Analysis Team.

Similar data trusts have been implemented in other transportation modes, including the Federal Aviation Administration’s Aviation Safety Information Analysis & Sharing program (ASIAS) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Partnership for Analytics Research in Traffic Safety program (PARTS). Like RISE, these efforts use a third-party data steward to analyze safety-critical data.